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Compuesto por 16 arcos, ha sufrido muchas reformas y ha sido víctima de guerras y revueltas. Se cree que lo construyó el Emperador Augusto. En la mitad del puente se eleva una escultura al custodio de la ciudad, San Rafael, data de 1.65l. Siempre está llena de flores y velas, con motivo de las peticiones de los cordobeses devotos desde que en 1.648 se le atribuyera haber salvado a la ciudad de la gran epidemia de peste que la asoló.

La Puerta del Puente, también llamada Arco del Triunfo sustituye a la de la época romana y fue mandada construir por Felipe II en 1.572.

Roman Bridge over the Guadalquivir River

Believed to be constructed by the Roman Emperor Augustus, it consists of 16 arches. Having undergone many changes throughout the centuries and suffering under many rebellions and battles, this bridge still stands proudly. Half way through the bridge a statue of Saint Raphael dating from 1,651, watches over the city. It is always in surrounded by flowers and small banners of the petitions from the devout Cordobenians since 1,648 it was attributed with sparing the city from the great epidemic that assailed it.

The Bridge’s Gate, also known as the Arch of the Triumph, substitutes the original Roman arch and was built by order of King Philip II in 1,572.